It's taken me awhile to write about the retreat I returned from almost two weeks ago! Better late than never. We had such a wonderful time! Some of us arrive on Thursday afternoon and on Friday we rejoice that it's only Friday. Come Saturday evening I start getting sad that it's almost over. Sunday afternoon is so, so sad because we have to leave. : (
Above is a quilt I'm working on for my youngest grandson.

Adam will be two in July. The pattern I used called for the big fishies and I just had to add the baby fishies (as cornerstones) too. Because I'm a glutton for punishment that way. Most of the big fishies are swimming to the right except one because there's always one in the bunch that marches to his own drummer. Some of the babies are swimming to the right and some have turned around to give their mommies a kiss. The babies still need big french knots for eyes and the whole quilt still needs a border. Unfortunately the fabric I had in my stash isn't big enough so I won't be able to use it. Maybe it will find it's way on the back!

Above is a close-up of one of the babies (kissing it's momma) and the fabric for the border that I don't have enough of. Below is a picture of the actual border fabric that I just purchased online at

This tablerunner is another project that I worked on at Retreat. I started on Thursday evening and finished quilting and attached the binding to the front by Friday evening. I really need to thank Kate for the great shoulder massage she gave me! The stippling I did on this tablerunner is teeny tiny. I gave this tablerunner to my son and
daughter in law. She loves the old fashioned reproduction fabrics. I never did get a totally completed photo.

These are some of the Easter treats we made today. I had plans to make sugar cookies and dye eggs but the kids (family friends) that I thought were coming over couldn't make it. I definitely don't want to make a bunch of sugary stuff and have no one around to eat it.
My grandkids live in Idaho and I live in California. The good news is, they will be visiting in 2 1/2 weeks!
Your Easter treats look so delicious! I love your grandson's fish quilt. I like it more every time I see it. The table runner is great. I enjoyed watching it develop from squares to a finished project.
Best table runner EVER!
Adam is going to love his fishy quilt! Yay! I like how the babies are kissing the mommies. :) It's really cute!
Your "fishie" quilt is looking better and better! I love the little cornerstones and that the little fish are kissing their mommies - how cute! I think the new border fabric is great!
Your tablerunner is so awesome - what a beauty!
Your Easter treats look so yummy!
Weather is confusing here in So. CA. A couple of days ago it was 55, today 99!
My Give Away, if I haven't told you already:
To be given away on June 1st - Three Moda Jelly Rolls - Nature's Chorus, Baskets of Flowers, Spring Magic. To enter simply post your quilt picture on the Show and Tell page: http://www.quiltqua.com/showandtell/upload/
Make sure you note YOUR NAME along with the title of the quilt - each posting is one entry into the Give-away
There will be three winners - names drawn at random from the Show and Tell postings on May 31st and posted on this page June 1st. If you have previously posted a photo, simply drop me an e-mail quiltqua@gmail.com and let me know you wish to be entered.
***I plan to start a new category at Quilt Qua - for Give Aways, so do let me know if you are having one, or if you know of one.
***Here is a great write-up about Quilt Qua in SuzNuz: http://www.suzguzdesigns.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/sgdapr09nuz.pdf
***Also, let me know if you wish to link to me to move to the first list of blogs on the website.
I hope you are having lovely Spring weather where you live!
Thank you,
Connie Colten
Quilt Qua
Love the fish quilt!
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